Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just what, exactly, is Alyssa Milano doing in this scene from Fear?

Jump in your time machines, folks, I'm revisiting the childhood classic movie, Fear.

Fear came out in August of 1996, starring Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon. I was 12 at the time, and Fear instantly became staple movie-watching at slumber parties, or while I was babysitting (after I had put the brats to bed, natch).

I have to admit, though, there is a scene in Fear that has always perplexed me. No, not the part where Wahlberg's character blithely breaks some dude's neck, or the part where Wahlberg's gang chops off a dog's head and drops it through the doggy door - I'm talking about this scene where Alyssa Milano is, uh, "entertaining" a fella (I possess neither the know-how nor the utilities to cut this video to the one minute clip I am referring to, so just fast-forward to 7:14 and stop it at 8:17).

I beg of you, explain it to me. Every time I watch this freakin movie I come to this scene and am simultaneously embarrassed and confused. Are they having sex? Is she just gyrating on his lap? She's wearing underwear and his pants appear to be on, and he's smoking out of a pipe - even the most hardcore of stoners put down the bong whilst getting laid (though he might be smoking crack, in which, is he smoking crack or weed?)

Is Alyssa having some kind of ecstasy-induced seizure? Is she trying to scratch an itch? WTF IS GOING ON?

I blame this scene for any misconceptions my virginal mind had about sex, men and relationships, because even if Alyssa is just gyrating, um.....WHY? Even my adult, sexually experienced head can't make any sense of it. Please leave your explanations in the comments.


Business Horse said...

It's just not respectful to penetrate in a room full of people. Surely you should know that. You do know that, right?

And yeah, that actually did look more like a crackpipe type of deal. Weird. If you really want the movie cut down into the part you want, let me know and I'll give it a shot.

AndSheWas said...

Vern - When I'm completely sober, of course I know better than to do it while people are watching. But if I were twisted out of my mind, I'm not, heheheh, what am I saying? Never have I ever been drunk and had sex with other people in the room!

I get the point of this scene - it facilitates Nicole witnessing just how horrible of a guy her boyfriend is. But was there really no other way to accomplish this? I can think of at least 3 plausible, non-weird scenarios that would be just as effective.

And if you want to cut it down, please, by all means - and then tell me how you did it.

Business Horse said...

If I remember tonight I will. I'll have to download it ( is a good Youtube streamer), and then my DVD burning program can easily crop it out. Then I'd just upload it back up for you.

Unknown said...

I just watched it.i cant figure it out.looks like dry humping

Unknown said...

I would not Mind Alyssa doing that....