Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well Vern, to answer your question...

It all went down last night - I told the roomie I was out of there in January.

And you know what? He was completely gracious and understanding.

I knew I was blowing the whole thing out of proportion, but I didn't know how much out of proportion. In the past, my roommate has over-reacted to things I've done or said, and no, never to the point wher I thought he was going to hurt me, but his attitude would turn from relaxed to intense in the blink of an eye. It always seemed like he lacked reason.

But he saw it coming. I've been dating my boyfriend for a while now, and that's just the natural progression of things - you meet someone, date, fall in love, then move in together.

Now that the hard part is out of the way...time to go apartment shopping!!!! Do other people normally get this excited over moving?

The new apartment must have these things, starting with most important to in my wildest dreams:

1. Dog-friendly
2. Two bedrooms
3. Ok, 1 bedroom, but is a reasonable price and has a large living and dining area.
4. A yard!!!
5. Alright, a roomy balcony.
6. A bay window?
7. Near the train.
8. On a block, not the avenue (actually, I don't care if it's on the avenue, but my boyfriend will have a coniption if it is).
9. A soda-pop machine.


Business Horse said...

I kind of figured that it would work like that, since, well, I think most people are more normal than you give them credit for. And that includes me!

So stop blowing things out of proportion, and stick to blowing the things that you are used to.

Caitastrophe said...

I agree with Vern. I understand the stress of having a convo with your roomie like that, but they usually turn out ok.

I enjoy fantasizing about apartments, but not so much the apartment hunting because, at least in NY, I cannot afford the apartment with a washer and dryer, yard, dishwasher, garbage disposal, doorman, consistent mail service, etc. that I desire. Ah, well, good luck..you have plenty of time to find something awesome.

Business Horse said...

Also, get a new name so I don't have to refer to you as "And She Was". It sounds so weird. "Yeah guys, I was trying to get a BJ from And She Was but, man, the only thing she was was reluctant". It's tough.

AndSheWas said...

Vern - should we just go on a first-name basis now? And if so, what first name shall I call you? Last I checked, you're going by Abraham now.

Caitlin - I have all these great dreams for the new apartment, but the thing is...I really like the apartment I have now! It's big, it's cheap, and it's in Brooklyn. The only problem is the thing that sits in the back bedroom taking up space (my roommate).

Business Horse said...

You can call me whatever you want. As long as it's flattering. Maybe Thundercock?

Unknown said...

i dont think you were overreacting, really. i think you read ppl pretty well. even though i dont know him, i trust that he could have flipped out and killed you. esp since you and i have lived together, and im sure we've though about smothering each other (and the others) at least once in that two years. ppl get a little crazy in such close quarters.

p.s. can i live with you in your wildest dreams?