Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If only he weren't a scientologist...

Do any Beck fans read this blog? I'm a big Beck fan, despite the fact that an annoying ex-boyfriend, for whom I only have disdainful memories, introduced me to him.

Ok, he didn't introduce me - show me a person who's never heard Loser, and I'll show you my tits - but the first time I ever heard Sea Change (one of the best albums ever made), it was because of my ex.

I've been trying to build up my cd collection. Some may say compact disks are an ancient format, but I want a tangible form of music to pass onto my children. How do you share a moment with your child over an MP3 downloaded from iTunes? Also, the inserts, brimming with lyrics, liner notes, and artwork - the only thing that can match what you get with a cd is a record, and I can't download that to my computer and put it on my iPod. So you see...? Cds continue to be relevant in my book.

When I was a kid, I'd sit and go through my parents' modest cd collection, reading all the inserts and delicately studying the cover art (as a deeply religious child, this cover simultaneously confused and titillated me. Oy, if only my eight-year-old self knew the woman I'd become). Their library consisted of a lot of ZZ Top, Robert Palmer, Meatloaf, and Roxette. Eh, maybe they didn't have the best musical tastes, but it nonetheless helped create in me a deep love for music and music trivia (1960-Present. Don't ask me any questions about Handel or John Phillips Sousa).

My point: I like music, a lot, and only after seeing people who are "meh" about it do I realize that a love for music is not a given trait. I attribute part of my music appreciation to the fact that my parents always had something playing on the radio, and cared about it enough to invest in it by buying their preferred artists' work. So I would like to do the same for my children.

That was an ENORMOUS digression. Sorry. The real point of this post is to recommend Beck's new album, Modern Guilt. At this point in Beck's career, I'm convinced he can't disappoint. He's a genius, and who'da thunk? Maybe Loser was genius when it came out, but I don't know, as a seven-year-old it sounded like a silly ditty that used a funny language.

I'm not pretentious enough to try to compare this new Beck album to another artist's oeuvre, nor am I going to pick it apart and lament new Beck vs. old Beck like some Pitchfork-reading douche. I'm just going to say that I like it, and you should check it out:

I'm also recommending MGMT's album Oracular Spectacular.


Business Horse said...

Beck is weirder than furries.

Unknown said...

when i read the first paragraph, i thought you were talking about david beckham. then i re-read it, and i still though you were talking about david beckham. i was thinking, "wtf is wrong with her?"

Business Horse said...

Hey Marcia, I'm on another blog now, in case you care. I'm "Newman" at

I might still put stuff on the other one, you know, if I decide I want to write about raping the elderly or something.

AndSheWas said...


If there is one thing I will cut you for, it's calling me Marcia. Or Marsha.

Marcella is ok.