Monday, May 12, 2008

Holy crap - something I wrote is going to be produced

Sorry I've been lax on the posts - I found out last week that a one-act I wrote is going to be directed and produced.

I'm flabbergasted and flattered - it's a play I wrote on a whim and only sent out to a few places. One company, TheaterVision/Playtime, has decided to incoporate it in their Domestic Disturbances Festival, June 6 - 13.

This will be very weird, yet totally motherfucking awesome, to see something I penned interpreted and staged. I'm meeting with the director tomorrow so he can pick my brain, as they say. Here's a synopsis of my one-act, When Turtles Fly.

During a wait at his doctor's office, Robert casually picks up a magazine and starts reading a piece of fiction. When he finishes the story, he's stunned - the piece of fiction so closely resembles a part of his childhood, he's convinced it is about him.

Seeking answers, Robert tracks down the author, James Penwau, and poses as a reporter for the very same magazine he read the story in. During the "interview," it comes to light that Robert is not who he pretends to be, and he demands to know how James knew such intimate parts of his life. After a violent struggle and threats of murder, the two men discover that they once dated the same girl; she dated Robert, then later on, told James the tale of Robert's past.

But Robert wants more - he needs money from James to pay the medical bills he's incurred in his effort to fight testicular cancer. But James is poor, a guy who's last shot as a writer is the book of short stories he has just written.

In the end they come to find solace in each other's tough life - neither of them has had it easy, and it was glib to think that they were the only people who's ever had to suffer. In this shared trait, they see each other's humanity.

I was also going to say that both Robert and James find redemption, but I think that's for the audience member to decide.

If you will be in the NYC area June 11th and 12th, please join me at TheaterVision Playtime (1133 Broadway, New York, NY 10010) at 8 pm to see my show (and other one-acts as well).

God, this is crazy.


Business Horse said...

That is pretty awesome, Marcielago. I'm also glad that it's going to be performed at the "Domestic Disturbances" festival. Who's filming it, the camera crew from "Cops"?

But for reals, that's awesome.

AndSheWas said...

Vern - I didn't know you were still reading. I thought my last post, where I talked about taking smelly poos, scared everyone off.

And thank you for the congratulations.

Business Horse said...

I will read this until the day that I die.

Also, you appeared in my dream two or three days ago, but you don't want to know what you were doing.