Instead of snorting a bunch of rat poison up my nose, I drank Bud Lite and Red Bull (I don't think Red Bull tastes good, nor do I think that Red Bull is "cool" and has any form of cache, but these days, it's hard for me to stay up past 1 am without some sort of energizing drug). As I drank, I started to get loose and have a good time, and then the bands started playing, and I actually began to feel like a 24 y/o, instead of a 50 y/o post-menopausal woman trapped in a 24 y/o's body.
I have never blogged about a band I have seen at a club because A) I am not a music critic, and B) Who the fuck really cares what bands I have seen and think are awesome? No. One. Or maybe someone does; I dunno, I've never asked.
But I'm breaking that tradition by reporting to you on two musicians I saw at Southpaw, one fantastic, and the other so mind-blowingly tubular and geigh-tastic that to not write about them would be a travesty.
First, the former. Yo Majesty is a dykealicious rapper who's snatch I wanted to mow down on as soon as she came onstage. Seriously. The vitality and passion emanating from her was hard not to fall in love with. All the lesbians pushed their way to the front when she stepped onto the stage, and all the chicks went crazy when she rapped about "That kryptonite pussy." I'm not a big hip-hop fan, but I became a believer in the female presence in hip-hop after seeing Yo Majesty jump around onstage and spit lyrics that made me forget myself. It was a gleeful, powerful atmosphere she created.
I backed out of the crowd when a lesbian in front of me kept shooting me dirty looks. Seems my raucous dancing caused me to keep bumping into her girl - my bad.
And then there was Supahero Gogo Starz. How to describe them...? Well, when they first came on the stage, no one knew what the fuck was going on. Or maybe it was just me - I often mistake avant-garde innovative things for being really retarded and a waste of my time. Their entire schtick seemed like a huge joke: Two black guys, channeling the likes of RuPaul and David Bowie, and not really singing, but more like talking in pitch, lyrics discussing I don't even know what. They crawled and creeped around the stage, one of them wearing a pink fro wig, the other decked out in glam-rock sunglasses and a bandana.
But their fabulosity grew on me. Their futuristic sound, coupled with the flamboyant garb, was a breath of fresh oxygen, as well as somewhat nostalgic. I don't know how I can be nostalgic for a time I never even lived in, but their set made me think of a 1970's circa New York, when glam and disco, gayness and Paris is Burning, sex and excess ruled the scene. I can't say I'm gung-ho for hedonism, but that is a time we may never get back, and part of me wishes I hadn't missed out.
After the set, my bf and I saw Supahero Gogo Starz outside smoking. He snapped a pic of me with them, but alas, I do not possess the necessary tools to extract it from my phone. Maybe I'll post it later, when I have the money and time to buy phone accessories destined for the landfill.
im glad you had a good time. send me the pic on my phone and i will email it to you
Sara - Well there's more I didn't divulge about the picture - it's so dark that you can't even see the brazilliance that is Supahero Gogo Starz (somehow, my fabulosity fails to shine through as well). I'm going to try and lighten it up, but maybe you can do that on your phone - I'll send it to you later tonight.
You can actually email the picture to yourself without any special tools.
Vern - I've tried that and it confuses me. Though I like to think myself computer savvy, when the technology is set on a phone, I'm a fucking retard.
In our ongoing blog sisterhood, you and I were at the same show on Saturday....
Caitlin - I replied to you in your blog comments. I'm not sure how these convos amongst bloggers are supposed to be carried out.
Ok, the easiest way for you to do it is to send a message to your phone from email. Send an email to (with the x-es obviously changed to your number) and then save that in your contacts. Then send the picture to it.
Big Old kliss to you and we absolutely thank you for such an eloquent and flattering review. Supahero GoGo Starz were invited along to open for Yo Majesty to finish out the last -southern- leg of the tour and we are absolutely grateful to have been so well received by the likes of individuals like you. Thank you for appreciating the glitz and glamour and being able to see through it as well And thank you even more for blogging us.
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