My boss has two boys, a 9 y/o and a 12 y/o, who share their own desktop. Because the chance of them seeing a woman eat yogurt out of a donkey's asshole is just a google search away, my boss had me install Web Watcher on their computer; now, not only can they not access pornography, but everything they type, every email they receive, and every web site they visit (or try to visit) is recorded and available for my boss and me to see.
Or I should say, me to see. One of my work duties is to check-up on the Web Watcher and see what the boys have been viewing, and alert my boss to anything suspicious I find.
I've been pretty good about this; when I discovered that her eldest disabled the Web Watcher by stealing the password and hacking into the account, I told her. And when I found emails her eldest had been sending that sounded threatening in tone (though they really weren't - the kid just needs to brush up on his writing style), I felt as though I'd diffused a hostage situation - my boss was, and still is, eternally grateful.
But then one day, I found this (warning: NSFW!!!):
Wow, I don't know if I can ever come back from that two-hour excursion I had on the internet trying to find the right picture. I'm sacrificing myself for you, folks (mom I hope you appreciate this!).
ANYWHOO, so yes, I found furry porn on my boss's sons computer. At first I laughed - like, wtf? Of all the things to find - no naked chicks, no guys with eight balls, no trannies blowing themselves - I found furry artwork.
I guess I had an obligation to tell my boss what I found, but guess what folks? I didn't say a goddamned thing to her! Here's why:
1. Can you imagine how horribly embarrassing that would have been for her, and more importantly, me? How would I have even approached her about this? "Hey boss, remember how you were afraid that your son was looking at naked ladies on the internet? Well don't worry, he's too preoccupied looking at weirdo art of animals with detailed genitalia to even wonder what a human woman would look like naked. TOTALLY NORMAL."
2. The kid is 12. When I was 12, I probably would have looked at the same shit too. Not because furry porn gets me hot, but when you're 12, anything related to sex piques your curiosity.
When I was in the sixth grade, I bought the Sophie B. Hawkins cd Whaler. After several weeks of owning it, I realized that if you turned the cd case upside down and squinted real hard, you could see Sophie B. Hawkins's nipple. A nipple!!! I would listen to her cd whilst staring at her nipple, because I just couldn't believe how blatantly sexual it was, AND because there I was, staring at a nipple, and my mom had no clue I was staring at a nipple. Just reading the liner notes, ma!
So really, I don't think the kid is a furry or into furries - he happened upon something on the net that was sexual in nature and wanted to see more out of curiosity, and he doesn't deserve to be humiliated and punished because of it. There's no need to worry about the pics unless he starts begging his mom to take him on a trip to Disney World.
Her son must have accessed the furry porn during that three week interval when he disabled the Web Watcher and I didn't realize it.
Should I have told my boss, guys? Even if you tell me I should have, there is no chance in hell that I will. I do have a strong work ethic and try to complete every task my boss gives to the best of my ability, but I'm sorry, I can not tell her about this - I would have to move back to Ohio from the sheer mortification.
I think you should look at it with them.
Vern, I think you have a point - internet pornography isn't such a bad thing as long as an adult is there to navigate the mired waters of filth and smut.
...and, this is all from somebody who had anime menstruation as their Facebook picture for like, 2 months.
Well, I never said I wasn't a weirdo pervert - I'm just saying the kid isn't.
And why are you memorizing every facebook pic i've ever had? Stalker!
first of all, if you were a furry, you would look exactly like that pic. Im sure thats why you chose it.
Second of all, your Sophie B Hawkins nipple slip story reminds me that when I was around 12, I had a pamphlet that I took from the doctor's office portraying a cartoon man feeling his junk for lumps - Im sure it was a guide on checking for testicular cancer - and needless to say I was fascinated. Anyway, I used to keep it in the little space between my dresser and the floor (along with a bunch of notes from boys I didnt want my mom to see) One day my mom approached me about the entire stash because my step brother told her I had it, and it was confiscated. Warm family memories.
Sara - lol, my family's medical dictionary had a permanent crease on the section that discussed (and illustrated) the reproductive organs. Seriously, you would pick the book up, and it would automatically open to that section.
Your "family's medical book"? Where the hell did you grow up, the Oregon Trail?
Vern, that was really funny. And that's all I can say because I'm too busy silent laughing (Sara, that's kind of like the silent scream).
you know, it wouldn't really matter even if the kid was MASTURBATING to it, I just saw a show with a parenting psycologist and his #1 advise for children's strange behavior is IGNORE IT, IGNORE IT, IGNORE IT!
its not a bad thing at all...
even if you did tell your boss, it shouldn't be a big deal
I think you're retarded for assuming that piece of artwork meant anything in the first place. Then again, that's just me.
Yeah, tats just u are you fuckin kidding me! Damn, tis blogger gets more comments than i ever got my whole time i got into blogger! Its just about movies and other CRAP!
I guess i never thought so many people would be into kids masturbating!!
los!! laugh out silent!
hey idk if you noticed, but that looks a hell of a lot like krystal from the game starfox adventures. My kid has that game and he makes me play the hard parts for him. But hell, don't tell your boss. So what if he sees that. He's going to eventually anyways. So why try to hide things like that. I guess I'm trying to say that if he knows about it, you don't have to bother about watching to make sue he's not looking at porn. Some kids break rules out of curiosity, not out of porn addiction or other problems. He probobly heard a friend talking about porn at school or something and wantedto see it for himself. (I don't know if you can tell, but I am a counciler at a middle school)
I'm a furry and I have never heard anyone refer to someone else as Yiff. Yiff is just what furry sex is called and/or a sound foxes make.
A lot of furries actually hate the term.
A furry is an animal-human hybrid, I like furries, but not all furry-lovers are perverts, and not all furry art is pornographic, I love furries, but I'm not a pervert (I look at some porn, but I keep it secret and don't give even the slightest hint as to me looking up porn).
I wish I were a cat-human hybrid (cat furry)...
the picture is a form of krystal but with lighter fur and don't report the kid i'm 16 and at his age i was into stuff like that and i still am
Yes i'm bisexual so sue me
its perfectly heathy for the kid to show interest in that stuf.
well, i am in my teens, too. i acknowledge the fact that i was very intrigued, in my younger years, about anything related to sex. i am a furry artist now, and i never bothered to look at the real thing. it was always cartoons with me, i did some work in Gideon's Corral and HTH Studios. i understand how some might be curious and i agree that you should keep it between you and the kid. if you would like to continue this conversation, email me at thanks.
ok so im a teen and bored as hell dont ask me how i found this site 4 i wont answer u but some guy said that that fury thing looks like Krystal [or whoever the hell it is] well it is and i know this because you get ideas for stuff like that wile ur playing games in a pervy mode OK so a lot of furry is video game characters 4 example theirs sonic furry. dont ask me how i know. if u want to continue this conversion email me at
and yiff is a another form of furry uhhh... i think
furries are sexual delinquents. they are supporting this because they found your blog via image search when they were looking for their yiffing crap. Get a life and learn to like girls with skin.
whoever that annonymous person was before me, i know that you have the right to freedom of speech, but some people like furries. they are entitled to look at what they want! i am a furry artist, so sue me.
Without arguing free speech, I can argue art.
That is not art any more than a san Fransisco cum fiesta is, we all know what people do with stuff like that.
But, seriously, a lot of furry artwork is not pornographic. Look at these kids' movies, furry characters are very common. Granted I am a furry artist that draws both pornographic and non-pornographic designs, some people consider it sexual, while others chose not to.
Wow....what a bunch of shit. BTW, that IS Krystal from Starfox Adventures, prob one of the hottest "vixens" of videogame status, other than Aya Brea from Parasite Eve. Actually, Starofx Adv. was what got me into furry art in the first place when I was about i found myself looking for pictures of Krystal on the Yeah...thought i was weird as hell for awhile, but then again...who isn't at that age. Other than that, I still haven't lost my voracious appetite for human females....guess just furries (art) are a fantasy derived from redundancy of normal porn i suppose.....
I don't think it's bad for him to loom at things like that, we were all young and curious at that age, it is a little weird for him to be looking at furries instead of real women, but still... And on another note, my belief is that furry pornography, or rather hentai in general is based on our desire to see a character from a show, or from a game as with krystal, to do....Dirty things. (Yes i found this while looking for furry porn, oh well.)
To the previous poster: I agree that we were all curious, and I, too found this while looking for yiff.
You need to tell your boss about this. At that age the mind is very susceptible to thoughts and fantasies that may become habits when they are older. Imagine him lifting up the tail of his dog to see what "It really looks like". Some of that Yiff art isn't only just explicit, but it depicts the genital of an actual animal (Think bestiality). Not healthy. Not healthy at all!!!
I think this is exactly what the boss would want you to tell him about. It's his job how to raise his kid not random people on the internet. If the kid becomes a furry who never has sex without a fur suit, his dad might be a little disappointed if you knew and said nothing. The kid probably ran into it searching for Starfox, Sonic stuff on google. It wouldn't be more healthy for him to develop sexually without even being aware of other sexual things. Something like this could dramatically change the opinions he would from if had a fair view. Do you really think 9 and 12 is the right time to help someone figure out fetishes? It's their parents decision how to handle it and yours to keep them informed.
Alot of yiff art is gay. i find it very odd that there is a lack of straigh yiff so if anything make sure its not the gay stuff he is looking at some people have weired things that turn them on yet you can have a normal relation with a girl in my opinion a little kinkyness in the bed room aint that bad and if the kid likes to do role play once and a while with his wife one day in an animal suit who cares kids are confused when they hit puberty i think its natural for kids to look at strange things some kids are atracted to the same sex till they grow out of it some i think just dont grow out of it and are gay cuz of some lack of development in the brain at that time look at any kid at 6 its guys are better then girls or other way around most kids then they hit puberty and are confused most kids get it figured out but the sad thing is gays are promoted now adays so some kids think its normal and never develop right
im 12 and im into it to its hard to stay away from it i wish i could stop but its addictive this measage is from my wii.
shut up, furries rule, u suck if u hate it nad its NOT gay
Im fourteen and I looove furrie porn Iactually found this by looking up furrie porn too I know porno is bad but its extremly hard to stop watching it.
RMS im not saying its bad i just masterbate over yipp every day!
Well, I don't know about telling the boss, as it's a little late I'm thinking (judging by the first comment on May 1, 2008). But anyways, thanks for the furry porn!
ASSHOLE. FUCKIN' STALKER. You are spyin' the boys email and whatever they do on the computer! Is that even illegal! PS. Furry porn rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( Here I put on my monocle )
Troll harder next time, fair maiden. A newchap could have performed a more adequate labor.
( and the monocle is off)
I think it's pretty awesome that a 12 year old is into furry pr0nz. I found stashes of porn when I was 5, I thought it was hilarious to sneak it into kindergarten. It's all good fun until your boss' son bends over a blue fox.
I don't think it's anything to worry about, at least not yet. Finding furries sexually attractive isn't the same as bestiality because of the obvious human characteristics they posses. Getting turned-on by a furry isn't that far from being turned on by an anime charachter or some alien species from some show/film.
I think part of the attraction of furry porn is it's exoticness. to quote a previous post:
"SchiZm said...
....guess just furries (art) are a fantasy derived from redundancy of normal porn i suppose....."
If you look carefully at furry porn the fur is even played down. Except for the obvious tail, it's basically exotically colored skin. Yes, I find (certain) furries attractive, and I've figured out why. It isn't because they are animals, but rather because I find their bodies' colors pretty (dramatic colors you don't find in real humans).
I also agree with the statement that at that age anything sexual remotely sexual will excite you.
So I think there's nothing wrong with the kid. It's not as if he's getting off on people hurting and/or humiliating each other (BDSM and the like).
interestiing comments... I think that you really shouldn't report the kid, hell who wouldn't be curious about crap like that at his age? plus, yeah it's a little late to report the kid... how would you look walking into your boss's office 2 years later saying "oh your soon was looking at furry pornography 2 years ago, I just decided to tell you"... That would be a disaster in the making.
...epic fail on the spelling in that last message... still you people ahould be smart enough to figure it out
Anonymous said...
" Get a life and learn to like girls with skin."
FYI furries (and all other types of animals) have skin, be it exposed or under fur.
im a furry, and have to say that i am disgraced by the disgusting hentai and yiffs that artists create, they disgust me. the picture posted is actually not bad compared to what i have seen.
~3pic ƒox
Well, I'm 12 and I found this while searching for furry porn... Well, I am a furry, and (ashamedly) I am one of the few who masturbate to porn like this... It's what got me into furries... I grew up at a bad school, so I have been a total pervert since third grade, and I'm a normal kid, except for that... I think it's fine that he's doing that, I'd only start getting worried if he got into some really FUCKED UP pornography, or child pornography. Did you know, masturbating younger promotes better sexual health as an adult?
Well, I'm 12 and I found this while searching for furry porn... Well, I am a furry, and (ashamedly) I am one of the few who masturbate to porn like this... It's what got me into furries... I grew up at a bad school, so I have been a total pervert since third grade, and I'm a normal kid, except for that... I think it's fine that he's doing that, I'd only start getting worried if he got into some really FUCKED UP pornography, or child pornography. Did you know, masturbating younger promotes better sexual health as an adult?
I'm 17, 18 in a few months. Stumbled across this site googling "Lift tail insert yiffs." It's a catchphrase of mine among close friends.
Furry porn is known as yiffy, among everyone I know...furs and merely tech junkie friends.
I started looking at fox girls around age 12. I've never (since a small child) been interested in the human species for anything more than necessity. I just don't find humans attractive.
Furry porn is a healthier way to cope with a bestiality fetish.
My parents found out and isolated me from the internet, this only led to me seeking out strays in my neighborhood...the equivalent of shock therapy to cure being gay.
I don't suggest you share it, but for reasons of...this is a challenge they have to overcome themselves...a parent saying no is merely going to drive them to want the forbidden fruit.
I just got to leave a note here.
First of all, I understand the parents who want to know what their children are doing. But, as shown, forbidding things just makes them more curious.
Furthermore, as said before, it is perfectly healthy for those kids to be interested in these materials. But there may be another reason why they are looking at this. Therfore I must explain myself a bit here;
Being a 19 year old (Dutch, for what it matters) male now, having past the age of getting turned on by just about anything erotically tinted, I recently discovered the furry animé world. I immediately adored the cute-factor, and started searching for more. But I was dissapointed by the sheer number of pornographic materials in this genre. It's quite overwhelming. Where are the peolpe who can enjoy just the cute smile of a catgirl? Do people have no imagination anymore? Don't get me wrong, I have my own pc on witch I watch porno from time to time. My parents know I do, they agree that it's perfectly normal, and they know that I'm a decent boy when it comes to treating girl(friends) properly.
I noticed that I'm drifting off course a bit.
My point being; it should not be a problem for those kids to be watching these pictures, as long as they are being tought to treat girls kindly, and, most of all, respect them.
Yours Faithfully, Bashuan
PS: please correct my English if anyone spots an error, I'm trying to perfect my English. :)
Addition to my previous comment:
""Where are the peolpe who can enjoy just the cute smile of a catgirl? Do people have no imagination anymore? ""
I'm sorry, I had not read all the comments before posting.
""...and have to say that i am disgraced by the disgusting hentai and yiffs that artists create, they disgust me.""
Those were just the words I was looking for. Thank you!
It's better than real porn were you are looking at real people i reckon i guess it's just not as bad no matter how grotesque it really is drawn.
I am too a furry. A fur(r) is an anthropomorphic animal. (eg. as human characteristics) There is a whole fandom behind this and the term 'yiff' means basically, furry sex. I'm pretty safe to say that most of the fandom are not into yiff, but some are. Just like how some are into nude art, same stuff. I do, occasionally like to look at yiff, but why worry? They are not real. The whole point of yiff is fantacy. And I'm pretty sure the kid is going to end up with an actual human. ;) BTW, Bugs Bunny, Wile E Cyotee, Micky Mouse, etc. are all anthropomorphic.
I'll admit, I found the site via pic.
I am 16. So what?
Let me explain porn and it's "correctness", for lack of a better term.
-It is not socially acceptable
-It is biologically acceptable
Make whatever you want out of that. In other words, people don't like it, but we all have the urges.
Now, back to furry/yiff chatting...
I'm 12 and proud (and a lil' embarrassed) to admit that I love furries and the people who draw them, especially the porn (but most of it's either hentai or yaoi) at such a young age.
But, it shouldn't be a big problem if you do tell your boss nor should it be if you don't.
You see, it's very easy to look up porn these days- it's only like a few keywords away- but he was going to find out sooner or later.
It's not really doing any physical, is it?
It's not like he was fapping off to the pic or anything..?
Me again.
Oh and, sorry I meant it wouldn't do any physical harm.
Im 16 and a furry.
That is krystal from starfox yes.
2 yiff refers to sexual acts as a furry.
3 who realy cares, as long as he's not flaunting it.
I love how people are finding this by looking for furry porn. I did too. :P I'm 19, and I used to look at this stuff all the time when I was younger. I'm not a furry, though I do like to wear animal hats. This is perfectly normal for kids, it's just so taboo that no one realizes it.
As long as hes not watching...
1) gay porn
3) beastiality
... Then i think its perfectly fine for him to be looking at that kindof stuff
Well I'll be the first to post in the new year shall I?
I'm 16 and am not only a furry, but a furry artist. I occasionally post a vixen or cat here or there. Anyway,it is perfectly normal for him to be looking at yiff (ugh... I hate that term, it's so degrading!). Think about it this way, if he wasn't looking at furry, he might have been looking at something else entirely. Be it BDSM or Gay. The funny thing was I found this forum when I google whether it was normal to like furrys'. I can now see clearly.
(BTW Krystal is my meth, she is just too dam hot for her own good.(BBTW I don't do meth, just a metaphor :3))
Sorry for the mispelt words aswell, I broke my index and middle figer. On my right hand too! Go figure...
Whenever (ifever) you see this post be sure to check out my future web site for the Dark Tribunal Studio (DTS), email if your interested.
Wow, silly me- I actually came here from googling "Furry porn" with safe search off. I don't really see what the big deal is, being a fan of anthromorphic art isn't bad in any way. It's not productive, but it doesn't hurt anybody. For a moment when I saw the title of this page, I thought "Aw damn a bait and switch trick again". And I guess in a way it was. But anyway, you did the right thing not telling your boss about it, hell you could have even gotten fired if you did.
All furry art needs to be called furry art nothing more nothing less. To call it anything other than that gives a false sense of one name being better or worse than another. They are all equal. To not have that creates a rift. Have that have war against furry art. Right now hiding any art from any eyes is sending a subtle message that all of the art bad. Call one part of the body bad - indecent in the mind call the whole body indecent. We are in a world that worships clothing as a cloth idol.
All furry art needs to be called furry art nothing more nothing less. To call it anything other than that gives a false sense of one name being better or worse than another. They are all equal. To not have that creates a rift. Have that have war against furry art. Right now hiding any art from any eyes is sending a subtle message that all of the art is bad. All of the furry art is very good. Call one part of the body bad - indecent in the mind call the whole body indecent. We are in a world that worships clothing as a cloth idol.
I like the fact that most of the furries who have posted comments on this page, explains what fur and souch is, sorry but it sounds kind of silly/desperate (not entirely sure what word to use here)
-16 years old furry
Wait, I have to wear animal-costumes to be a furry?
I thought you only needed to like furry pic/vid's
Yes that is Krystal... Kinda a while after you posted but yeah lol thats her
er.. I'm a day late but.. Happy new year everybody!
I should point out I'm Australian and its the 2nd of January here.
Is this blog still active?, also found this while looking for furry porn on google.
Lol, my mom almost found the furry porn that I drew today while searching through my room!-15 year old furry-zoophile
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